What do you want to be when you grow up?

Neil Rampersad
2 min readJul 7, 2018

Adults always had an answer prepared for you.

When I was a kid, the neighbour this crusty old guy named Fred told me that I should watch the news… “it’s good for you” he said…. I think I met him in every damn boiler room for the last 15 years… He kept telling me about retirement, when he could sit on his backside and watch the news while Elanor made him supper….

What do you want to be when you grow up?

They asked you when you only had the ability to dream, to be a kid. To play, to explore, to be a bloody genius if we felt like it. Whatever we felt like whenever we felt like it.

School, school and more school… Then you’ll be ready. You’re not good enough to be yourself. There isn’t a metric for that when you grow up.

When I was a kid I drew a picture of myself as an Electrician, like my Dad. It didn’t feel right. It wasn’t me. I didn’t learn in school where that was a right answer, the whole feeling part.

People say they care about the world.

People say we might be leaving behind a whole bunch of crap for the kids to clean up. People talk a lot, not many people act….

What did I want to be when I grew up? I wanted to be an example for the kid version of myself….For my kids to see the congruency between who I really am and what I do.

I wanted kids like me to know that its ok not to know what we want to do, and that its ok to try different things out. Its ok to dream big, even when it doesn’t make sense to any of the adults.

