Every Child Matters

Neil Rampersad
2 min readSep 30, 2021

You were once a child, like everyone else. Perhaps at this very moment, you have very vivid images, or a strong sense of the smells, sounds, and feelings of what that was like for you.

For some, it is a moment of trauma, for others an invisible memory, and perhaps for you one filled with wonder and curiosity.

What we can say for sure is that children are always looking to the Adults in their life and even the ones not in their lives. For all sorts of reasons, but ultimately safety, security, and also they are the only reference points for children to model behavior from.

So whatever your role is in your own life this moment, whether you choose to be aware or not. If you are an Adult, there are children all over the place, observing you, and modeling you.

The way you drive, the way you stand, your voice, your image, the way you treat others. The way you treat yourself.

With that perspective, would you be willing to look in the mirror? Look at your own strengths and weaknesses? So that you can be the lighthouses the children of this world can look to?

Is there a better version of you? And is that version willing to stand up and be a little bit better at one thing in your own life? Just in case there is some child out there observing…Hoping even… That there is at least one more adult in the world that cares enough to make themselves better example?

Because EVERY child matters, and you matter to them.

